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**2024 Important information about this form**
July 2024 - Food waste is not currently accepted at the GFL facility in North Cowichan and composting activities are not taking place.
Only odours associated with the operation of the GFL compost facility are addressed and investigated through this portal. If you are experiencing odours within the community of Chemainus, or odours not related to food and yard waste composting, you are encouraged to contact the North Cowichan Bylaw Enforcement Department so that the odour may be appropriately documented. The North Cowichan Bylaw Directory may be found here https://www.northcowichan.ca/municipal-hall/bylaw-directory , this page contains Bylaw Enforcement contact information and a link to report bylaw violations.
Report your concern as soon as odour is detected so an investigation can be completed right away.
Please provide a street address closest to where the odour was noticed.
If the odour is occurring in the village of Chemainus, please log your concern using the North Cowichan Bylaw Violation link identified at the top of this page.
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