Where do I get information on bus routes, schedules, maps and fares?

For transit routes, schedules, maps and fares visit www.bctransit.com/cowichan-valley and try out the Trip Planning tool to easily plan your next bus trip. Simply put in your starting point (origin), and your final destination. Enter your departure time, or your desired arrival time, and the trip planner will calculate the best bus route and give you the scheduled times as well as provide directions to the closest available bus stops.

If you are not connecting with us online you can also pick up hard copies of the Cowichan Valley Transit Rider’s Guide on board the bus or at the CVRD’s main office (175 Ingram Street, Duncan) as well as at CVRD Recreation Centres (Cowichan Community Centre, Kerry Park Recreation Centre, Shawnigan Lake Community Centre, and Cowichan Lake Sports Arena).

Show All Answers

1. What transit services are offered in the Cowichan Valley?
2. Where do I get information on bus routes, schedules, maps and fares?
3. How can I pay for my ride? What is UMO?
4. Which bus routes go where?
5. The schedule only lists a few stops, is this all of them?
6. What is On-Request transit?
7. Can I take bikes, toddler bikes and wagons on the bus?
8. Who do I call for lost and found items?
9. What are the costs for riding the bus? Are there any discounts?
10. What is the BC Bus Pass Program?